
研究生離校資料上傳 Graduation Process Required Documents

  1. 論文全文電子檔(圖書館審核版本)

檔名學年度-學期_學號姓名_論文 (例如109-2_R46081001曾美麗_論文)

Complete Thesis: Please email an electronic version of your thesis (Library confirmed version).

File name: Academic year-semester_Student ID, Name and Thesis.

(e.g., 109-2_ R46081001 Anny Lu_Thesis)

  1. 英檢證明電子檔

檔名學年度-學期_ 學號姓名_英檢名稱  (例如109-2_ R46081001曾美麗_TOEIC)

An electronic version of your English proficiency test results.

File name: Academic year-semester_Student ID, Name, and the Name of your language test.

(e.g., 109-2_ R46081001 Anny Lu_TOEIC)

  1. Turnitin論文比對報告(全文電子檔含百分比)



An electronic version of your complete Turnitin Report.

File name: Academic year-semester_Student ID, Name, and Turnitin Final version.

(e.g., 109-2_ R46081001 Anny Lu_ Turnitin Final version)

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