Hsin Hsin Chang
Hsin Hsin Chang
NCKU Distinguished Professor
Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
#1 University Road, Tainan City 70101, TAIWAN
E-mail: easyhhc@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Phone: +886-6-2757575 ext. 53301, 53326
Hsin Hsin Chang is a Distinguished Professor at the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. She received a PhD in IT & Management from School of Management, University of Bradford (England, UK), a MBA from University of Wales (Wales, UK), the Institute of Infor. Eng. at NTU (Taipei, TW) and a BBA from NCHU (Taipei, TW). Dr. Chang current research interests fit broadly into the areas of AI & CRM, m-business and innovation, online consumer behaviour and decision, human-computer interaction, collaborative and innovation, e-health care, and global logistics. Her publications have appeared in several journals such as Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Information Systems J., Information Systems Frontiers, Int. J. of Information Management, Int. J. of Medical Informatics, Int. J. of Computers-Human Studies, Internet Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Electronic Commerce and Research Applications, Health Information Management J., IT&P, IT&M, B&IT, ID, IJCIM, JOBIM, JOEUC, OIR, SIJ, TQM&BE, Supply Chain Management, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Technovation, and more.
College of Management, Univ. of Bradford, W. Yorkshire, UK
- Department of Business Administration: Chair and Director (2019 ~ 2022)
- Distinguished Professor (連續4次 12年, 2014 ~ 2026)
- Professor (2008-2014)
- Associate Professor (2004-2008)
- Assistant Professor (2003-2004)
Research Directions
1. E-Business & M-Innovation:technology innovation, e-business, e-health, value co-creation (科技與創新: 行動科技與創新、產業E化、資訊管理、醫療資訊、綠能科技、價值共創)
2. Customer Relationship Management:online consumer behavior, service innovation, c-commerce (顧客關係管理: 線上消費行為決策、服務創新、協同商務)
3. Logistics Management:TQM, collaboration commerce, global logistics, performance evaluation ( 運籌管理 : 全面品管、協同作業、績效評估、全球運籌)
Journal Publications:(Selected)
- Lin, Y.H., Chang, H. H., & Chiu, C.P. (2024) How online social community participation affect product stickiness: A study on GET product, Information Technology & People, accepted【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Lin, Y.H., Lu, Y.Y. & Lee, C.L. (2024), Exploring user motivations to proactive stickiness through pleasure-arousal-dominance model towards online games, Information Technology & Management, accepted【SSCI】
- Wong, K.K., Chang, H. H., Lin YH., & Lin, ST. (2024), How do mobile App users react to embedded advertising? A perspective from psychological reactance Theory, Behaviour & Information Technology, accepted【SSCI】
- Lin, Y.H., Chang, H. H., Yeh, S.S., Wong, K.K. & Tseng, T.Y. (2023), A consumption value evaluation and environmental consciousness of rental preference on long-term rental YouBikes in Taiwan, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 51, 101063【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Lin, Y.H., Lu, Y.Y., & Chen, Y.W. (2023), A mixed-methods study of governance mechanisms and outsourcing information system services on goal performance, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(4), 90-148【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Lu, Y.Y., & Li, P.R. (2023) The Yale Model of green message sharing and environmental consciousness on social media platforms, Online Information Review, 3(2), 333-355. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Lee, H.C. (2022) Peer privacy protection motivation and action on social networking sites: Privacy self-efficacy and information security as moderators, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 54, 101176 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Shen, Y.A. (2022) Effects of the consumer socialization process on content sharing on SNSs: Social comparison and anticipated emotions as moderators, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174, 121262. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Lin, Y.H., Lu, Y.Y., & Chang, R.C. (2021), Understanding the effects of loyalty program relational benefits, emotion elicitation, and self-disclosure on long-term customer relationship, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 32, 237-260 【Scopus】
- Chang, H. H., Lu, Y.Y., & Lin, S.C. (2020) An elaboration likelihood model of consumer respond action to Facebook second-hand marketplace: Impulsiveness as a moderator, Information & Management, 57, 103171 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Chiou, W.S. (2019) The effects of business systems leveraging on supply chain performance: Process innovation and uncertainty as moderators, Information & Management, 56, 103140 【SSCI】
- Wong, K.H., Chang, H. H., & Yeh, C.H. (2019) The effects of consumption values and relational benefits on smartphone brand switching behavior, Information Technology & People, 32(1), 217-243 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Ho, P.W. (2019) The determinants of trust transfer on mobile shopping decision: Flow experience as a moderator, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 17(2), 213-248 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Eng, C.J. (2019), A manipulation of switching telecommunication service contract decision on consumer regret: From the view of marketing strategy, International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, 10(2), 109-130. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., & Wong, K.H. (2018) Consumer psychological reactance to coalition loyalty program: Price-consciousness as a moderator, Service Business, 12(2), 379-402 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., Eng, C.J. & Chen, S.H. (2018) Consumption value and social capital on sense of virtual community toward value of co-created information, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 30(1), 44-58 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., & Chu, T.W. (2018) Online advertorial attributions on consumer responses: Materialism as a moderator, Online Information Review, 42(5), 697-717. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., Li, S.Y. (2017) Applying push-pull-mooring to investigate channel switching behaviors: M-shopping self-efficacy and switching costs as moderators, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 24, 50-67 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Hung, C. J., Huang, C. Y., Wong, K.H., Tsai, Y. J. (2017) Social capital and transaction cost, and co-creating IT value on inter-organizational EMR exchange, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 97, 247-260 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Huang, C. Y., Fu, C. S.; Hsu, M. T. (2017) The effects of innovative, consumer and social characteristics on willingness to try nano-foods: Product uncertainty as a moderator, Information Technology & People, 30(3), 653-690 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Fu, C. S., Huang, C. Y. (2017) Willingness to adopt or reuse an e-learning system: The perspectives of self-determination and perceived characteristics of innovation, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(5), 511-520 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., Eng, C.J. (2017) Resistance model of electronic medical records Adoption in Taiwanese hospitals: A multi-method approach, Medical Research and Innovations, 1(3), 1-3.
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K.H., Eng, C.J. & Wang, C.Y. (2017) Applying appraisal theory on online cart abandonment: The perspectives of cognitive appraisal, emotion elicitation, and coping strategy, Electronic Commerce Studies, 15(4) 495-533
- Chang, H. H., Tsai, Y. C., Fu, C. S., Chen, S.H., & Peng, Y. D. (2016) Exploring the antecedents and consequences of technology and knowledge integration mechanisms in the context of NPD, Information Systems Frontiers, 18(6), 1165-1189 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Fu, C. S., Jain, H.T. (2016) Modifying UTAUT and innovation diffusion theory to reveal online shopping behavior: Familiarity and perceived risk as mediators, Information Development, 32(5), 1757-1773 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Fu, C. S., Fang, P.W., & Cheng, Y.C. (2016) The effects of relationship maintenance and relationship Investment on SST relationship performance, Information Technology & People, 29(3), 496-526 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Hsieh, P. H., & Fu, C. S. (2016) The mediating role of sense of virtual community, Online Information Review, 40(7), 882-899
- Rizal, H., Jeng, J. F., Chang, H. H. (2016) The role of ethnicity in domestic intercultural service encounters, Service Business, 10, 263-282 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Tsai, Y. C., Chen, S.H., Huang, G.H., & Tseng, Y.H. (2015) Building long-term partnerships by certificate implementation: A social exchange theory perspective, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30 (7), 867–879 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Tsai, Y. C., Wong, K. H., Wang, J. W. & Cho, F.J. (2015) The effects of response strategies and severity of failure on consumer attribution with regard to negative word-of-mouth, Decision Support Systems, 71, 48-61 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Fang, P. W., & Houng, C. H. (2015) The impact of on-line consumer reviews on value perception: The DRT and uncertainty reduction, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 27(2), 32-57 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Fu, C. S., Fang, P. W. & Huang, C. H. (2015 ). The impact of on-line consumer reviews on value perception: The dual-process theory and uncertainty reduction, Information Development. 3(3), 1498-1524 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Wu, L. C. (2014) An examination of negative e-WOM adoption: Brand commitment as a moderator, Decision Support Systems, 59, 206-218 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wong, K. H. & Fang, P. W., (2014) The effects of customer relationship management relational information processes on customer-based performance, Decision Support Systems, 66(2), 146-159 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Hung, C. J., & Hsieh, C. W. (2014) Virtual teams: cultural adaptation, communication quality, and interpersonal trust. TQM & Business Excellence, 25(12), 1318-1335. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Hung , C. J., Wong, K. H., & Lee, C H (2013) Using the balanced scorecard on supply chain integration performance- A case study service businesses, Service Business, 7, 539-561 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Tsai, Y. C. & Hsu, C. H. (2013) E-procurement and supply chain performance, Supply Chain Management, 18(1), 34-51 【SSCI】
- Hung, C. J., Chang, H. H., Eng, C. J., Wong, K. H. (2013) Service quality and perceived value of TBSE: Evaluation on satisfaction of clinical staff. Health Information Management Journal, 42(1), 29-36 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Mamid, R. & Amin, H (2013) The determinants of consumer behavior towards email advertisement, Internet Research, 23(3), 316-337 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Jeng, D.J., & Mamid, R. (2013) Conceptualising consumers' word-of-mouth behaviour intention: evidence from a university education services in Malaysia, Service Business, 7(1), 17-35
- Chang, H. H., Lee, C. H., & Lai, C. Y. (2012) E-service quality and relationship quality on dealer satisfaction: Channel power as a moderator. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23(7), 855-873 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Lai, M. K. & Hsu, C. H. (2012) Recovery of online service: Perceived justice and transaction frequency. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(6), 2199-2208 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Chuang, S. S.; Kao, S. H. (2011). Determinants of cultural adaptation, communication quality, and trust on virtual teams performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 22(3), 305-329 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Wang, I C (2011). Enterprise information portals in support of business process, and design teams for collaboration commerce performance, International Journal of Information Management. 31(2), 171–182 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Chuang, S. S. (2011). Social capital and individual motivations on knowledge sharing: participant involvement as a moderator, Information & Management. 48(1), 9-18 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Wang, H W (2011) The moderating effect of customer perceived value on online shopping behaviour, Online Information Review. 35(3), 333–359 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., & Rizal, H. (2011). The effect of corporate brand dominance, involvement and corporate associations on attitudes toward new product development. America Journal of Business Management, 5(15), 6397-6407 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Wong, K. H. (2010) Adoption of e-procurement and participation of e-marketplace on firm performance: Trust as a moderator. Information & Management, 47(5-6), 262-270
- Hsin Hsin Chang (2010, Feb). Task-technology fit and user acceptance of online auction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68 (1-2), 69-89. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wang, H. W. , & Kao, Ta Wei (2010). The determinant of long-term relationship on inter-organizational systems performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(2), 106-118【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Rizal, M. (2010). An empirical investigation of Internet banking in Taiwan. Journal of Business Research. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2009). An empirical study of evaluating SCM integration using the balanced scorecard. Service Industries Journal, 29(2), 185-202 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Chen, S. W. (2009). Consumer perception of interface quality, security, and loyalty in electronic commerce. Information & Management, 46(7), 411-417 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Liu, Y. M. (2009). The Impact of brand equity on brand preference and purchase intentions in the service industries. Service Industries Journal, 29(12), 1687-1706 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Wang, Y. H., & Yang, W. Y. (2009) The impact of e-service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty on e-marketing: Moderating effect of perceived value, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(4), 423-443 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Ku, P. W. (2009). Implementation of relationship quality for CRM performance: Acquisition of BPR and organisational learning. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(3), 335-356 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Tai, Y.C. & Chen, Y.H. (2009). Knowledge characteristics, implementation measures, and performance in Taiwan hospital organization. International Journal of Business and Information, 4(1), 23-44
- Chang, H. H., Wang, Y B & Yang, S F (2009). An application of BIS in knowledge management for innovation performance. Journal of Knowledge Economy, 5(1), 251-277
- Chang, H. H., Chang, S H, Tong, H I & Wang, Y B (2009). Customized service contents on customer satisfaction: Moderating effect of consumer’s types. Journal of Knowledge Economy, 5(1), 278-303
- Chang, H. H. & Wang, I Chen (2008). An investigation of user communication behavior in computer mediated environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 24 (5), 2336-2356 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2008). Intellignet agent's technology characteristics applied to onlin auctions' task: a combined model of TTF and TAM, Technovation, 28(9), 564-577. 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H., Hsu, Che-Hao, & Chung, Shu Hsia (2008). The antecedents and consequences of brand equity. Asia Pacific Management Review, 13(3), 601-625 【TSSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Chen, Su Wen (2008). The impact of customer interface quality, satisfaction and switching costs on e-loyalty: Internet experience as a moderator. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(6), 2927-2944 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Chen, Su Wen (2008). The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator. Online Information Review, 32(6), 818-841 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Wang, I Chen (2008). The relationship between network structure and international channel performance: A moderating effect of e-business activity. Service Industries Journal, 28(2), 255-274 【SSCI】
- Wang, Y B, Chang, H H & Huang Y C (2008). An evaluate performance of suppliers, internal of enterprise, and customers to integration of SCM. Journal of Knowledge Economy, 4(2), 127-164
- Chang, H. H. (2007). Critical factors and benefits in the implementation of customer relationship management. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 18 (5), 483-508 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2006). An empirical evaluation of performance measurement systems for total quality management. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 17(8), 1093-1109 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2006). Development of performance measurement systems in quality management organizations. Service Industries Journal, 26(7), 765-786 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2006), Technical and management perceptions of enterprise information systems importance, implementation, and benefits, Information Systems Journal, 16(3), 263-292 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2005). The influence of continuous improvement and performance factors in total quality organizations. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 16(3), 413-437 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Sinclair, D. A. C. (2003). Assessing workforce perception of total quality-based performance measurement: A case study of CES organization, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 14 (10), 1093-1120 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2002). A model of computerization on manufacturing systems: An international study. Information & Management, 39(7), 605-624 【SSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Sinclair, D.A.C. (2002). A model of total quality performance measurement systems in the UK. Asia Pacific Management Review, 7(3), 349-379 【TSSCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2001). The development of a model of CSSM systems industry: An empirical study of best practice. Journal of Management & Systems, 7(2), 145-172 【TSSCI】
- Chang, H. H. & Liou, C. Y. (2001). The development of IT Architecture during the process of business globalization strategic: An empirical study in IT industry. Management Research, 1(1), 91-134
- Chang, H. H. (2000). The Integration of computer aided management in Taiwan and the UK: An empirical study. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 15(4), 1120-131. 【SCI】
- Chang, H. H. (2000). The implementation and integration of information systems for PM in manufacturing: An empirical study. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,13(5), 369-387 【SCI】
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